To send data from a Python app to Axiom, use the Axiom Python SDK.

The Axiom Python SDK is an open-source project and welcomes your contributions. For more information, see the GitHub repository.


Install SDK

If you use the Axiom CLI, run eval $(axiom config export -f) to configure your environment variables. Otherwise, create an API token and export it as AXIOM_TOKEN.

You can also configure the client using options passed to the client constructor:

import axiom_py

client = axiom_py.Client("API_TOKEN")

Use client

import axiom_py
import rfc3339
from datetime import datetime,timedelta

client = axiom_py.Client()

        {"foo": "bar"},
        {"bar": "baz"},
client.query(r"['DATASET_NAME'] | where foo == 'bar' | limit 100")

For more examples, see the examples in GitHub.

Example with AxiomHandler

The example below uses AxiomHandler to send logs from the logging module to Axiom:

import axiom_py
from axiom_py.logging import AxiomHandler
import logging

def setup_logger():
    client = axiom_py.Client()
    handler = AxiomHandler(client, "DATASET_NAME")

For a full example, see GitHub.

Example with structlog

The example below uses structlog to send logs to Axiom:

from axiom_py import Client
from axiom_py.structlog import AxiomProcessor

def setup_logger():
    client = Client()

            # ...
            structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="iso", key="_time"),
            AxiomProcessor(client, "DATASET_NAME"),
            # ...

For a full example, see GitHub.