Send data from AWS FireLens to Axiom
Leverage AWS FireLens to forward logs from Amazon ECS tasks to Axiom for efficient, real-time analysis and insights.
What’s AWS FireLens?
AWS FireLens is a log routing feature for Amazon ECS. It lets you use popular open-source logging projects Fluent Bit or Fluentd with Amazon ECS to route your logs to various AWS and partner monitoring solutions like Axiom without installing third-party agents on your tasks.
FireLens integrates with your Amazon ECS tasks and services seamlessly, so you can send logs from your containers to Axiom seamlessly.
To determine the best method to send data from different AWS services, see Send data from AWS to Axiom.
Use AWS FireLens with Fluent Bit and Axiom
Here’s a basic configuration for using FireLens with Fluent Bit to forward logs to Axiom:
Fluent Bit configuration for Axiom
You’ll typically define this in a file called fluent-bit.conf
Log_Level info
Name forward
Port 24224
Name http
Match *
Port 443
URI /v1/datasets/$DATASET_NAME/ingest
Format json_lines
tls On
format json
json_date_key _time
json_date_format iso8601
Header Authorization Bearer xait-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx
- Read more about Fluent Bit configuration here
ECS task definition with FireLens
You’ll want to include this within your ECS task definition, and reference the FireLens configuration type and options:
"family": "myTaskDefinition",
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "log_router",
"image": "amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit:latest",
"essential": true,
"firelensConfiguration": {
"type": "fluentbit",
"options": {
"config-file-type": "file",
"config-file-value": "/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf"
"name": "myApp",
"image": "my-app-image",
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awsfirelens"
Use AWS FireLens with Fluentd and Axiom
Create the fluentd.conf
file and add your configuration:
@type forward
port 24224
<match *>
@type http
headers {"Authorization": "Bearer <your-token>"}
data_type json
sourcetype ecs
- Read more about Fluentd configuration here
ECS Task Definition for Fluentd
The task definition would be similar to the Fluent Bit example, but using Fluentd and its configuration:
"family": "fluentdTaskDefinition",
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "log_router",
"image": "YOUR_ECR_REPO_URI:latest",
"essential": true,
"memory": 512,
"cpu": 256,
"firelensConfiguration": {
"type": "fluentd",
"options": {
"config-file-type": "file",
"config-file-value": "/path/to/your/fluentd.conf"
"name": "myApp",
"image": "my-app-image",
"essential": true,
"memory": 512,
"cpu": 256,
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awsfirelens",
"options": {
"Name": "forward",
"Host": "log_router",
"Port": "24224"
By efficiently routing logs with FireLens and analyzing them with Axiom, businesses and development teams can save on operational overheads and reduce time spent on troubleshooting.
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