Loki by Prometheus is a multi-tenant log aggregation system that’s highly scalable and capable of indexing metadata about your logs.

Loki exposes an HTTP API for pushing, querying, and tailing Axiom log data.

Axiom Loki Proxy provides a gateway for you to connect a direct link interface to Axiom via Loki endpoint.

Using the Axiom Loki Proxy, you can ship logs to Axiom via the Loki HTTP API.


Install and update using Homebrew

brew tap axiomhq/tap
brew install axiom-loki-proxy
brew update
brew upgrade axiom-loki-proxy

Install using go get

go get -u github.com/axiomhq/axiom-loki-proxy/cmd/axiom-loki-proxy

Install from source

git clone https://github.com/axiomhq/axiom-loki-proxy.git
cd axiom-loki-proxy
make build

Run the Loki-Proxy Docker

docker pull axiomhq/axiom-loki-proxy:latest


Specify the environmental variables for your Axiom deployment

AXIOM_URL is the URL of the Axiom API. Enter https://api.axiom.co/.

AXIOM_TOKEN is your Axiom API token. For more information, see Create an API token..

For security reasons it’s advised to use an API token with minimal privileges only.

Run and test


Using Docker

docker run -p8080:8080/tcp \

For more information on Axiom Loki Proxy and how you can propose bug fix, report issues and submit PRs, see the GitHub repository.