
The minif aggregation in Axiom Processing Language (APL) allows you to calculate the minimum value of a numeric expression, but only for records that meet a specific condition. This aggregation is useful when you want to find the smallest value in a subset of data that satisfies a given predicate. For example, you can use minif to find the shortest request duration for successful HTTP requests, or the minimum span duration for a specific service in your OpenTelemetry traces.

The minif aggregation is especially useful in scenarios where you need conditional aggregations, such as log analysis, monitoring distributed systems, or examining security-related events.

For users of other query languages

If you come from other query languages, this section explains how to adjust your existing queries to achieve the same results in APL.



summarize minif(Expression, Predicate)


ExpressionThe numeric expression whose minimum value you want to find.
PredicateThe condition that determines which records to include.


The minif aggregation returns the minimum value of the specified Expression for the records that satisfy the Predicate.

Use case examples

In log analysis, you might want to find the minimum request duration for successful HTTP requests.


| summarize minif(req_duration_ms, status == '200') by ['']

Run in Playground


San Diego120
New York95

This query finds the minimum request duration for HTTP requests with a 200 status code, grouped by city.

  • maxif: Finds the maximum value of an expression that satisfies a condition. Use maxif when you need the maximum value under a condition, rather than the minimum.
  • avgif: Calculates the average value of an expression that meets a specified condition. Useful when you want an average instead of a minimum.
  • countif: Counts the number of records that satisfy a given condition. Use this for counting records rather than calculating a minimum.
  • sumif: Sums the values of an expression for records that meet a condition. Helpful when you’re interested in the total rather than the minimum.