To set up an Azure Blob destination:

  1. In Azure, create a service principal account with authorization to perform a Put Blob operation. For more information, see the Azure documentation on creating a service principal and on authorizing a Put Blob operation.
  2. In Axiom, create an Azure Blob destination. For more information, see Manage destinations.
  3. Configure the following:
    • In URL, enter the path to the storage account.
    • In Format, specify the format in which Axiom sends data to the destination. For example, CSV or JSON.
    • In Tenant ID, enter the directory ID. For more information on getting the tenant ID, see the Azure documentation.
    • In Client ID, enter the app ID. For more information on getting the app ID, see the Azure documentation.
    • In Client secret, enter the app secret. For more information on creating a client secret, see the Azure documentation.