Flow is currently in preview. To try it out, sign up for a free preview.

A flow is a way to filter, shape, and route data from an Axiom dataset to a destination that you choose. This page explains how to set up a flow.


  • Set up a destination. For more information, see Destinations.

Set up a flow

To set up a flow:

  1. Click the Flows tab. Axiom displays the list of flows you have created.

  2. In the top right, click New flow.

  3. In the Source section, specify the source dataset and the transformation in an APL query. For example, the following APL query selects events from a cloudflare-logpush dataset and reduces them by removing a set of fields, before enriching with a new field.

    | where QueryName == "app.axiom.co."
    // Reduce events by dropping unimportant field
    | project-away ['@app']*
    // Enrich events with additional context
    | extend ['@origin'] = "_axiom"

    If you only specify the name of the dataset in the query, Axiom routes all events to the destination.

  4. Click Preview to check whether the query you specified transforms your data as desired. The Input event section displays the original data stored in Axiom. The Output event section displays the transformed data that Axiom sends to the destination. The original data in the Axiom dataset isn’t affected by the transformation.

  5. In the Destinations section, click Add destination, and then select the destination where you want to route data. To add several destinations, click + in the top right corner.

  6. In the top right, click Create.

After creating a flow, you can choose from three flow types: one-time, scheduled, and continuous flows.

Flow is currently in preview, with support for one-time flows.

One-time flow

One-time flows route data to configured destinations when you manually initiate a replay.

To set up a replay:

  1. Click the Flows tab. Axiom displays the list of flows you have created. Select the flow that you want to replay.
  2. In the top right, click Run replay.
  3. Specify the time range for events you want to replay.
  4. Click Replay flow.

As a result, Axiom runs the query on the source data for the specified time range, and then routes the results of the query to the destination.