Creates calculated columns that are used to filter out rows. If valid it then appends them to the result set.

This is a shorthand operator to create a field while also doing basic checking on the validity of the field. In many cases, additional checks are required and it is recommended in those cases a combination of an extend and a where operator are used. The basic checks that are preformed are dependent on the type of the expression. Checks are as follows:

  • Dictionaries. The valid is checked to ensure it is not null and has at least one entry in the dictionary.
  • Arrays. Arrays should not be null and should have at least one value.
  • Strings. Strings should not be empty and have at least one character in them.
  • Other types. The same logic as tobool and a check for true

Some situations you’d want to not use extend-valid for including checking to see if a map has a particular key in it. Cases where an empty array is valid. Where returning and empty string could be a useful result. Or when a value of a number being 0 should be included in the new field.


| extend-valid alias1 = expression1, alias2 = expression2, alias3 = ...


AliasstringThe name of the column to add or update.
ExpressionexpressionA calculation over the columns of the dataset.


Rows in dataset for which Expression is valid with:

  • Column names noted by extend that already exist in the input are removed and appended as their new calculated values.
  • Column names noted by extend that do not exist in the input are appended as their new calculated values.


// if content_type is "" this will filter the row
| extend-valid upper_ct = toupper(content_type)

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// if extract us unable to find the regex, this will filter the row
| extend-valid extension = extract('/([a-z]*)', 1, content_type)

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