Selects specified fields from the input to exclude from the output.


| project-away FieldName1, FieldName2, ...

The order of the fields in the result is determined by their original order in the dataset. Only the fields that are specified as arguments are dropped. The other fields are included in the result. See project for more detail.


Field NamestringThe name of the field to be removed from the output.


A table with fields that are not named as arguments. Contains the same number of rows as the input table.


| project-away [''], [''], method

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Wildcard refers to a special character or a set of characters that can be used to substitute for any other character(s) in a search pattern. The use of wildcards in Axiom allows you to create more flexible queries and perform more powerful searches.

  • In Axiom, the syntax for wildcard can either be data* or ['']*

Here’s how you can use wildcards in project-away

| project-away status*, user*, is*,  ['geo.']*

Run in Playground

| project-away push*, repo*, ['commits']*

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