The lookup operator extends a primary dataset with a lookup table based on a specified key column. It retrieves matching rows from the lookup table and appends relevant fields to the primary dataset. You can use lookup for enriching event data, adding contextual information, or correlating logs with reference tables.

The lookup operator is useful when:

  • You need to enrich log events with additional metadata, such as mapping user IDs to user profiles.
  • You want to correlate security logs with threat intelligence feeds.
  • You need to extend OpenTelemetry traces with supplementary details, such as service dependencies.

For users of other query languages

If you come from other query languages, this section explains how to adjust your existing queries to achieve the same results in APL.



| lookup kind=KindOfLookup LookupTable on Conditions


  • PrimaryDataset: The primary dataset that you want to extend. If you expect one of the tables to contain consistently more data than the other, specify the larger table as the primary dataset.
  • LookupTable: The data table containing additional data, also known as the dimension table or lookup table.
  • KindOfLookup: Optionally, specifies the lookup type as leftouter or inner. The default is leftouter.
    • leftouter lookup includes all rows from the primary dataset even if they don’t match the conditions. In unmatched rows, the new fields contain nulls.
    • inner lookup only includes rows from the primary dataset if they match the conditions. Unmatched rows are excluded from the output.
  • Conditions: The conditions for matching rows from PrimaryDataset to rows from LookupTable. The conditions are equality expressions that determine how Axiom matches rows from the PrimaryDataset (left side of the equality expression) with rows from the LookupTable (right side of the equality expression). The two sides of the equality expression must have the same data type.
    • To use lookup on a key column that has the same name in the primary dataset and the lookup table, simply use the field name. For example, on id.
    • To use lookup on a key column that has different names in the primary dataset and the lookup table, define the two field names in an equality expression such as on id == trace_id.
    • You can define multiple conditions. To separate conditions, use commas (,). Don’t use and. For example, on id == trace_id, span == span_id.


A dataset where rows from PrimaryDataset are enriched with matching columns from LookupTable based on the key column.

Use case example

Add a field with human-readable names for each service.


let LookupTable=datatable(serviceName:string, humanreadableServiceName:string)[
	'frontend', 'Frontend',
	'frontendproxy', 'Frontend proxy',
	'flagd', 'Flagd',
	'productcatalogservice', 'Product catalog',
	'loadgenerator', 'Load generator',
	'checkoutservice', 'Checkout',
	'cartservice', 'Cart',
	'recommendationservice', 'Recommendations',
	'emailservice', 'Email',
	'adservice', 'Ads',
	'shippingservice', 'Shipping',
	'quoteservice', 'Quote',
	'currencyservice', 'Currency',
	'paymentservice', 'Payment',
	'frauddetectionservice', 'Fraud detection',
| lookup kind=leftouter LookupTable on $left.[''] == $right.serviceName
| project _time, span_id, [''], humanreadableServiceName

Run in Playground


Feb 27, 12:01:5515bf0a95dfbfcd77loadgeneratorLoad generator
Feb 27, 12:01:5586c27626407be459frontendproxyFrontend proxy
Feb 27, 12:01:5589d9b5687056b1cffrontendproxyFrontend proxy
Feb 27, 12:01:55bbc1bac7ebf6ce8afrontendFrontend
Feb 27, 12:01:55cd12307e154a4817frontendFrontend
Feb 27, 12:01:5521fd89efd3d36b15frontendFrontend
Feb 27, 12:01:55c6e8db2d149ab273frontendFrontend
Feb 27, 12:01:55fd569a8fce7a8446cartserviceCart
Feb 27, 12:01:55ed61fac37e9bf220loadgeneratorLoad generator
Feb 27, 12:01:5583fdf8a30477e726frontendFrontend
Feb 27, 12:01:5540d94294da7b04cefrontendproxyFrontend proxy
  • join: Performs more flexible join operations, including left, right, and outer joins.
  • project: Selects specific columns from a dataset, which can be used to refine the output of a lookup operation.
  • union: Combines multiple datasets without requiring a key column.