June 23, 2022


Advanced Observability for Vercel

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Neil Jagdish Patel

CEO / Co-founder

Last month, we announced the Axiom Vercel Integration, providing Vercel users with an in-depth observability experience for their projects and deployments. Today we’re expanding that experience to include a brand new dashboard, full-stack observability of Next.js with next-axiom, and support for all Vercel log sources.

Welcome to your new Mission Control

We’ve upgraded our pre-built dashboard for all Axiom Vercel integration users to include even more charts, better separation of concerns, and an “Explore” button to allow diving into the data behind the charts with ease.

Stay on top of errors

Between exceptions, missing requests, bad configurations, service downtime, functions OOMs, etc, it can be a challenge to stay on top of all the ways a modern, edge-deployed application can fail.

With Axiom, you can now see these failures at a glance across asset requests, functions, and edge requests. Quickly identify and fix issues with your deployments before they ever reach your users.

Measure and compare performance

Whether static requests or functions, the essence of using Vercel is to provide the fastest experience for your users. The best way to ensure that is to be able to measure and compare how your application is performing over time.

With Axiom, all your Vercel dynamic routes and API functions are automatically monitored, with the duration, memory usage, and outcome of every single request tracked.

The pre-built dashboard summarizes all this data into charts and tables that let you have a live visual on the performance of these routes while also being able to easy compare them to a previous point in time.

Visitor insights and Web Vitals

Moving from what is happening in application code to what users are experiencing, Axiom allows you to gain insights on how, and where, you application is being experienced.

From monitoring unique visitors, breakdowns by edge region, platform, or OS, to measuring Web Vitals, use Axiom to gain a complete perspective on how users are interacting with your application.

And like with anything in Axiom, you are only a click away from diving in behind the chart and starting to explore your data on your own terms.

Isomorphic observability for Next.js withAxiom()

With frontend code increasing in complexity and requirements, we wanted to provide an easy way for developers to add observability to any Next.js project, whether they wanted to enable web-vitals, send logs, or send events in either frontend or backend code.

Today we’re excited to announce the launch of next-axiom, the first ever observability plugin built from the ground up for Next.js. With next-axiom’s isomorphic observability, you can use next-axiom in any part of your Next.js project, client, edge, or server side.

withAxiom you will be able to:

  • Add unsample web vitals monitoring to your Next.js project with a single line of code
  • Have a full structured logging system for your Next.js project
  • Send logs and events from client, edge, or server-side code without having to worry about any extra configuration

We’re really excited to release next-axiom as it provides works hand-in-hand with our Vercel integration to provide the very best observability experience.

Try it out today

Head over to the Vercel marketplace today to install the Axiom Integration and get Zero Config Observability for all your Vercel projects.

Get started with Axiom

Learn how to start ingesting, streaming, and
querying data into Axiom in less than 10 minutes.