May 22, 2024


Changes to Vercel Log Drains

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Dominic Chapman

Head of Product


Update (August 29, 2024): The information on this page is correct at the time of publication. Any changes to Vercel’s pricing and other policies may render the information on this page outdated. For more information, see the Vercel pricing page.

Since 2022, Axiom has offered a leading integration for Vercel, providing thousands of organizations with zero-config observability for their projects. With Axiom, customers enjoy powerful analytics on all event data in one place, collected from a whole host of sources including key services like AWS, Cloudflare, and Netlify.

Today, we’re sharing upcoming changes that will affect users of the Axiom Vercel integration. Starting on May 23, 2024, Vercel will revise the availability and cost of its Log Drains feature, which the Axiom Vercel integration depends on. Rather than being available for Vercel customers on all Vercel plans at no additional charge, the Log Drains feature will be reserved for Vercel Pro and Enterprise customers, at a charge of $10 per 5GB of data transfer. These changes are part of wider strategic updates from Vercel, and we want to ensure you are fully informed on how this impacts your use of the Axiom Vercel integration.

Impact on Axiom users

For those of you currently using the Axiom Vercel integration, here’s what you need to know:

  • Existing Vercel Hobby plan users: You will be able to continue using the Axiom Vercel integration without additional costs for your pre-existing Log Drains. However, you will not be able to create new Log Drains unless you upgrade to a Vercel Pro or Enterprise plan.
  • Existing Vercel Pro and Enterprise users: Your current Log Drains will remain cost-free until August 27, 2024. After that date, a charge of $10 per 5GB of data transfer will apply from Vercel.

New users of the Axiom Vercel integration will need to be on a Pro or Enterprise Vercel plan and will incur the new Log Drains charges, but there are alternative free options detailed below.

Options for continuation

We understand that these changes may require adjustments, and we’re here to help you navigate this transition smoothly. Here are two options that will allow you to continue leveraging Axiom’s powerful analytics:

  1. Upgrade to a Vercel Pro plan: For many projects, the additional Log Drains cost is manageable. Upgrading to a $20/user/month Vercel Pro plan and committing to the new Log Drains charge allows you to maintain the seamless integration with Axiom through the Axiom Vercel integration, which collects the richest set of logs from Vercel. Axiom’s free Personal tier remains generous, with 500 GB of data ingestion included every month.
  2. Utilize Axiom libraries: If the Log Drains cost is too high, consider using our next-axiom and axiom-js libraries. These libraries enable you to collect structured application logs and Web Vitals without relying on Vercel’s Log Drains, ensuring you still receive rich data insights. Our team is hard at work enriching logs available via next-axiom to include HTTP logs as well as function insights, and to provide a pre-built dashboard for events collected in this way.


I am an existing user of the Vercel Axiom integration on the Vercel Hobby tier. What is the impact of this change?

You can continue using your existing Log Drains without additional costs. However, new Log Drains will require a Vercel Pro or Enterprise plan.

I am an existing user of the Vercel Axiom integration on a paid Vercel tier. What is the impact of this change?

Your Log Drains will remain free until August 27, 2024. After that, a $10 per 5GB data transfer fee from Vercel will apply. If that cost is prohibitive, consider migrating to use the next-axiom library.

Which events are collected via Log Drains and next-axiom?

Event TypeLog Drainsnext-axiom
Application logsYesYes
Web VitalsNoYes
HTTP logsYesSoon*
Build logsYesNo
* We are working to support capturing HTTP logs through next-axiom and will update with guidance soon.

What should I expect to pay to continue using Axiom Vercel integration with Vercel Log Drains or next-axiom?

Logs GeneratedSourceVercel Transfer CostAxiom Cost
10GBVercel Log Drains$20/mo$0/mo (Personal tier)
250GBVercel Log Drains$500/mo$0/mo (Personal tier)
500GBVercel Log Drains$1,000/mo$0/mo (Personal tier)
1000GBVercel Log Drains$2,000/mo$25/mo (Team tier)
2500GBVercel Log Drains$5,000/mo$250/mo (Team tier)
500GBnext-axiom$0/mo$0/mo (Personal tier)
1000GBnext-axiom$0/mo$25/mo (Team tier)
2500GBnext-axiom$225/mo (Fast Data Transfer)$250/mo (Team tier)
* Vercel bills Log Drains based on uncompressed log volume and in increments of $10. Use of next-axiom is likely to incur Fast Data Transfer costs from Vercel, which varies by region. This charge applies whether the Vercel customer uses Axiom or not, but is included for transparency.

How can I migrate from the Vercel Axiom integration to next-axiom?

For detailed guidance on migrating from Vercel Axiom integration to next-axiom, see the Vercel app documentation.

Our thoughts

For much of the four years that Vercel’s Log Drains feature has been available across all Vercel plans, Axiom has been the leading integration partner for logging. Vercel customers describe Axiom as fast, powerful, and simple to integrate, perfectly complementing Vercel’s best-in-class developer and deployment experience. While we understand that there are costs associated with running a service like Log Drains, we feel this new pricing penalizes customers who use Vercel with other cloud services and want a single pane of glass for observability and security. The new pricing is also surprisingly high. Our goal is to work with our partners at Vercel to find an alternative path, but in the meantime, we are committed to supporting our customers through this transition.

Looking ahead, we will continue to focus on providing the best product for the tens of thousands of organizations that rely on Axiom’s rich capabilities for engineering, security, and operational use cases. No matter the event source, our dedication to providing the best product experience remains unwavering. If you have any questions, please reach out to our team via email, on X or through our community Discord.

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