September 1, 2023


Introducing the Axiom Cloudflare Logpush app

Blog Screenshot
Arne Bahlo

Team Lead

Today we’re excited to announce a new app which allows you to send your Cloudflare logs to Axiom using Cloudflare Logpush.

The application creates an Axiom dataset which receives all logs sent by Cloudflare. It also creates a dashboard to keep track of your websites' performance which can help you get an overview and discover issues early.

That dashboard displays useful HTTP & DNS metrics such as:

  • HTTP requests by host
  • Successful requests
  • HTTP response body size in bytes
  • Number of DNS queries
  • DNS requests per IATA
  • DNS cache hits

Axiom supports all zone-scoped and account-scoped datasets, including HTTP requests, DNS logs, Worker Trace Events and many more. You can quickly filter your data by Cloudflare account or zone using our smart filters:

And if you need more, you can always query your data using APL:

Here’s what a log from the Cloudflare workers_trace_events dataset looks like:

If you have questions, check out our docs and join our community on Discord.

Go to your Axiom apps and install the new Cloudflare Logpush app today (requires a Cloudflare Enterprise plan).

Get started with Axiom

Learn how to start ingesting, streaming, and
querying data into Axiom in less than 10 minutes.