June 7, 2024

#company, #product

Monitorama 2024: Booth A, new tees, and a party!

Blog Screenshot
Kendall Miller

Business Development

We‘ll be in Portland for Monitorama next week. Come talk to us about how we’re reinventing not only telemetry, but all event data to meet your ever-growing needs.

Register now — seriously, do it NOW — for our party on Tuesday

On Tuesday, June 11 from 5:30 to 11:00 PM we’ll be hosting a party. Register here for directions and details. Numbers are limited and we’re seeing a lot of signups already, so get an invite while you can!

└ Unofficial Conference Party.

Talk to us, get a tee

Axiom captures 100% of your event data for every possible need: o11y, security, analytics, and new insights. We always want your input and feedback. We’ve got a new t-shirt design as well as keychains and stickers to go with the thought-provoking takeaways you’ll hopefully carry back to your org.

└ Axiom T-shirt.

Don’t miss CTO Seif’s Lightning Talk

Our even-more-technical-than-Neil co-founder has a Lightning Talk that you’ll find on Monitorama’s schedule. As an obsessive optimizer, Seif Lotfy is sure to pack a lot of info and a bit of wit into the few minutes he’s been allocated.

We‘ll be showing some exciting new features and around to answer questions. If you love what you see, book a demo, and we‘re looking forward to seeing you at our party!

Get started with Axiom

Learn how to start ingesting, streaming, and
querying data into Axiom in less than 10 minutes.