December 2, 2021


November Changelog: What’s New at Axiom

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Tola Ore-Aruwaji

Developer Relations Engineer

Hey folks 👋

In November, the Axiom team shipped tons of product updates, bugs fixes, a lot of performance improvements, new tutorials and also celebrated the release of Repobeats - Stunning insights for your GitHub Repo.

Read on to discover what’s new at Axiom. 👇

Embed analytics into your GitHub project’s using Repobeats 💫

Repobeats is a way to embed contributor analytics into your GitHub project’s

With Repobeats, contributors and users of your projects get a clear, beautiful, view of how your project is evolving over time.

You should use Repobeats if you would like some deeper insights into how your project is evolving in regards to contributions and contributors.

Read more about Repobeats release.

Monitoring Heroku Applications with Axiom

Whether you are running complex workloads, hosting your applications on Heroku, and configuring your web servers Axiom provides you with that monitoring capability tool that gives you a 360-degree view across your Heroku applications, application code, and eventually allows your team to collaborate.

Learn how you can monitor your Heroku Applications in minutes

What else is new at Axiom?

Download results as CSV/JSON

You can now download your aggregations as CSV/JSON in the Axiom UI by clicking on the drop-down button beside RUN QUERY.

Monitors that are automatically disabled are labeled clearly

See if your monitor is disabled, and the last error for your monitor.

Dashboards can now show results tables

Chart Type on Axiom UI now allows you to view your query result in:

  • Time Series
  • Results Table
  • Time Series & Results Table

Open Data Explorer from Dashboard Chart

You can access the query of your dashboard chart now in Data Explorer.

Open and Create Monitor from Dashboard Chart

You can now create a new monitor from your dashboard chart.

Access Fieldlist from Data Explorer

View all the fields of your dataset directly on Data Explorer.

Query Logs with Axiom CLI

Axiom CLI querying provides a centralized CLI for interactive diagnostic logs search for your applications, Kubernetes workloads, CloudStack, and backend. Using Axiom CLI, you can explore and analyze your logs by running queries that make it easy to understand and visualize your logs instantly.

Learn about using Axiom CLI on your applications and resources

To stay up to date on changes like these, head over to our blog and you can also follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. We can’t wait to see what you build next with Axiom!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates next month! 😇

Get started with Axiom

Learn how to start ingesting, streaming, and
querying data into Axiom in less than 10 minutes.