April 26, 2024

#product, #engineering

Introducing Axiom Terraform Provider

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Mano Toth

Senior Technical Writer

The new Axiom Terraform Provider is an Axiom app that lets you programmatically provision and manage Axiom resources (datasets, notifiers, monitors, and users) with Terraform.

Create and manage datasets programmatically

What if you could create and manage datasets and monitors in Axiom without the need to know where to click manually in the UI? This is exactly what Axiom Terraform Provider allows you to do. You can create resources, access existing ones, and perform other infrastructure automation tasks within Axiom.

It can be particularly useful if you’re an Enterprise customer — you’re likely to have many Axiom users and a complex monitoring needs. Axiom Terraform Provider’s infrastructure automation capabilities can save you significant time and resources.

Real-world application

Imagine a scenario where you want to create a complex set of notifiers and monitors in Axiom. Clicking in the UI would be tedious and repetitive. Then, if you realize you want to make a small change in all the monitors, you would need to click through them again one by one. Axiom Terraform Provider lets you do all this programmatically with a few lines of code.

Get started with Axiom Terraform Provider

Install the Axiom Terraform Provider from the Terraform Registry.

To see the provider in action, check out the example.

For a guide that explains how to install the provider and perform some common procedures such as creating new resources and accessing existing ones, see Manage Axiom resources with Terraform.

For the full API reference, see the documentation in the Terraform Registry.

To get started with Axiom, contact us at sales@axiom.co!

Get started with Axiom

Learn how to start ingesting, streaming, and
querying data into Axiom in less than 10 minutes.