July 24, 2024


Improvements to the search operator

Changelog Screenshot
Ted Gould

Principal Engineer

A year ago, Axiom introduced the search operator to APL to let you explore your data in an unstructured way. While useful, it had limitations in handling complex data types and numbers.

Previously, you could only search for string values. Axiom now significantly expands the search operatorʻs capabilities:

  • You can search for numbers. For example, search for a numeric customer ID directly.
  • You can search inside complex data types such as maps and arrays.

The has and contains operators power the search operator and also receive these capabilities.

These improvements make it easier to dig deep into your datasets and find the information you need quickly, whether in casual exploration, deep investigation, or advanced monitor and dashboard setups.

Try out the enhanced search capabilities today and experience faster, more comprehensive data exploration. For more details on using the improved search operator, see the documentation.
