Case Study


Axiom is Analogue’s operational dashboard for Shopify, Vercel and Render

Customer Case Study Screenshot
Luke Shumard

Chief Digital Product Officer, Analogue

Analogue logo

Analogues makes products to celebrate and explore the history of video games with the respect it deserves.

“I will tell anyone who is looking to get into a logging solution in this day and age to just use Axiom.”

Luke Shumard

Chief Digital Product Officer


  • Operational dashboard — Axiom aggregates Analogue’s full stack across multiple hosting platforms, including serverless platforms, to track end-to-end performance.
  • Seconds, not hours to find problems — Axiom’s query language and single data archive makes finding the needle in the haystack orders of magnitude quicker.

About Analogue

Analogue makes consoles and handhelds to celebrate and explore the history of video games with the respect they deserve.

The Challenge: An operational dashboard

Analogue is a hardware company that only sells direct to consumers, so they can see and control their customers’ entire digital experience. They use Shopify Plus for their store, and Vercel and Render as their development platform. Analogue wanted to be able to track end-to-end performance and avoid having multiple log archives to monitor and query. The team had tried other products, but the ability to see all of their digital properties in one place was elusive. Attempted solutions felt unintuitive. Drilling down to find the root causes of problems could take hours.

“You don’t have to set things up. You don’t have to deal with infrastructure. Axiom feels invisible and I can get down to what matters most to me.”

Luke Shumard

Chief Digital Product Officer

The Solution: Full-stack log management

Axiom’s turnkey integration with Vercel, plus its ability to integrate with Render, let Analogue bring all their event data into one place. There, Axiom’s query language, APL, also proved quicker to learn and use compared to query tools based on more rigid keywords and syntax.

Luke says Axiom’s winning trait is that it stays out of his way. With an easy but powerful query language atop an archive of all their event data, he doesn’t have to pay much attention to Axiom itself. He can find and focus on the events themselves and the story they tell.

Interested to learn more about Axiom?

Sign up for free or contact us at to talk with one of the team about our enterprise plans.
