October 2, 2024


Axiom and Cloudflare partner to deliver full global insight

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Dominic Chapman

Head of Product


  • Axiom is an integrated destination for Cloudflare Logpush.
  • Axiom is both affordable and performant at holding 100% of your Cloudflare logs, plus all other event data from all sources.
  • Axiom provides powerful query, shaping and routing of any event data that most products cannot, even at much higher prices.
  • Companies will want to keep 100% of their event data for AI training. Cloudflare’s Connectivity Cloud + Axiom = a full record of all activity throughout the organization available for analysis and learning.

Cloud computing’s draw is that it just works — you don’t need to think about how the cycles and storage you need in the moment are there for you. But that’s only possible because of companies and people who obsess 24/7 behind the scenes to make the cloud work flawlessly on demand.

Cloudflare is one of those companies. What began as Project Honey Pot, an effort to find the sources of email spam, has grown into a billion-dollar-a-year business that both protects enterprise networks from attacks and optimizes their performance. At heart it’s a content delivery network that sits in front of about 20% of the websites on the Internet, and nearly 40% of the million most visited sites.

But beyond that, the company’s Connectivity Cloud goes a long way toward unifying disparate components into a single company network. It automatically routes traffic to the optimal cloud provider or on-premises data center based on real-time performance metrics, costs, and custom business logic. It lets a DevOps engineer connect remote users, on-premises applications, multiple clouds, and various customers and vendors in one app instead of juggling a half dozen at once.

This approach minimizes customer hardware and software requirements, and reduces their complexity and management overhead. But it doesn’t reduce the amount of log data being generated — it only moves the sources.

To give customers a single point at which to collect, store, and query their global event data, Cloudflare has partnered with Axiom to make it easy to use Cloudflare Logpush to automatically export all logs to Axiom, an affordable and powerful single source of all event data that can be queried, monitored, even reshaped and re-routed to other destinations. Axiom is the first and, so far, the only official integration with Logpush.

Why pair Axiom and Cloudflare?

Axiom is the perfect destination for all your Cloudflare logs. Axiom supports both Cloudflare zone-scoped datasets, and all Cloudflare account-scoped datasets. Moreover, it provides unified visibility and insight that pair well with Cloudflare’s unified networking.

  • Axiom automatically ingests logs from Cloudflare — and any other source — both affordably and with performance that scales.
  • Axiom creates a single source for all of your organization’s event data.
  • Axiom’s APL query and processing language supports advanced queries, and you use the same APL to filter, shape and route data from Axiom to other destinations as needed with Flow.

A dashboard that delivers traces, metrics, and insights

Axiom’s documentation makes it easy and quick to integrate Axiom with Cloudflare in minutes.

Once they’re connected, you can use Axiom’s Cloudflare Logpush dashboard to make the most of your Serverless apps’ logs:

  • Real-time visibility into web performance: One of the most crucial features is the ability to see how your website or app is performing in real-time. The dashboard can show everything from page load times to error rates, giving you immediate insights that can help in timely decision-making.

└ Cloudflare Logpush on account level.

  • Actionable insights for troubleshooting: The dashboard doesn’t just provide raw data; it provides insights. Whether it’s an error that needs immediate fixing or performance metrics that show an error from your app, having this information readily available makes it easier to identify problems and resolve them swiftly.

└ Troubleshooting for specific accounts across Cloudflare zones.

  • DNS metrics: Understanding the DNS requests, DNS queries, and DNS cache hit from your app is vital to track if there’s a request spike or get the total number of queries in your system.

└ DNS metrics at a glance.

  • Centralized logging and error tracing: With logs coming in from various parts of your app stack, centralizing them within Axiom makes it easier to correlate events across different layers of your infrastructure. This is crucial for troubleshooting complex issues that may span multiple services or components.

└ Centralized logging and error tracing.

Connectivity Cloud + Axiom = tomorrow’s best decisions

Axiom unlocks value from data that its owners didn’t know was there, by removing the need to compromise to cut costs and by providing top-tier ability to query, shape and route event data of any kind. As AI-enhanced applications proliferate through every industry, the previously unrealized value of event data that many companies still throw away will become not only obvious, but necessary to make the best business decisions.

Adopting the Axiom integration for Cloudflare today will remove the problems other businesses will face tomorrow, when they realize too many of the detailed records their AI apps crave to train on to provide the most precise and insightful output have either been deleted forever, or are marooned on islands of incompatible datastores created for different tools over time. (Axiom will gladly feed those tools whatever data and formats they want via Flow, which engineers configure and control with the same APL language they use to run queries.)

The pairing of Cloudflare’s global Connectivity Cloud with Axiom’s panoptic view of events gives organizations — and their ever-smarter tools — total access to every bit of information available to glean the best insights, forecasts, assessments and surprise new ideas from the data they already generate every day.

Axiom customers gladly attest

“It’s the only product out there that allows me to affordably see all my logs for a year. And it’s very good at that.”

Andres Hernandez

Co-founder and CTO, Hapn

“Even if you’re a business person, Axiom dashboards are super useful. Click a button and have the data you need in hand.”

James Perkins

Co-founder and CEO, Unkey

“Even if you’re a business person, Axiom dashboards are super useful. Click a button and have the data you need in hand.”

James Perkins

Co-founder and CEO, Unkey

“The beautiful thing about Axiom is it just works. No complications, no rubbish.”

Bailey Pumfleet

Co-founder and CE, Cal.com

Interested to learn more about Axiom?

100% of your data for every possible need: o11y, security, analytics, and new insights.

Sign up for free or contact us at sales@axiom.co to talk with one of the team about our enterprise plans.

Get started with Axiom

Learn how to start ingesting, streaming, and
querying data into Axiom in less than 10 minutes.